Glosariusz terminów technicznych
Między innymi w zakresie laser, spawanie, wytwarzanie przyrostowe, drukowanie 3D metalu i ukierunkowane osadzanie energii
Nasz słowniczek coaxworks zawiera terminy techniczne (angielskie), które są istotne dla naszych produktów, usług i zastosowań w dziedzinie napawanie laserowe z drutu.
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Similar terms: focus, focal point
The beam waist means the ‘portion of a beam where the beam diameter or beam width has a local minimum’.[ISO 11145:2018, Optics and photonics — Lasers and laser-related equipment — Vocabulary and symbols]
The beam waist is thus the most energetic area of the laser beam and the place where the welding process is carried out. We also feed the 3 partial laser beams into our beam waist to melt the welding wire evenly.Similar term: build up [ISO/TR 25901-1]
Building up means ‘overlay welding to obtain or restore required dimensions’.[ISO/TR 25901-1:2016-03, Welding and allied processes — Vocabulary — Part 1: General terms]
The wire material is used for the building up. The terms building up and surfacing are used in a similar way.