Glosariusz terminów technicznych

Między innymi w zakresie laser, spawanie, wytwarzanie przyrostowe, drukowanie 3D metalu i ukierunkowane osadzanie energii

Nasz słowniczek coaxworks zawiera terminy techniczne (angielskie), które są istotne dla naszych produktów, usług i zastosowań w dziedzinie napawanie laserowe z drutu.

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W tym katalogu znajduje się 3 technical terms zaczynających się na literę D.
deposition rate

Similar term: application rate

The deposition rate means the ‘mass of metal deposited per unit of productive weld time’.

[ISO/TR 25901-1:2016-03, Welding and allied processes — Vocabulary — Part 1: General terms]

The welding consumable in our case is the wire material [EN 544]. The deposition rate is therefore the amount of molten filler wire per time - the deposition rate is therefore usually specified in kg/h.

The dilution means the ‘mixing of melted parent metal and deposited metal expressed as a ratio of the melted parent metal to the total melted mass’.

[ISO/TR 25901-1:2016-03, Welding and allied processes — Vocabulary — Part 1: General terms]
directed energy deposition (DED)

Directed energy deposition means ‘additive manufacturing process in which focused thermal energy is used to fuse materials by melting as they are being deposited’. ‘ “Focused thermal energy” means that an energy source (for example laser, electron beam or plasma arc) is focused to melt the materials being deposited.’

[ISO/ASTM 52900:2021, Additive manufacturing — General principles — Fundamentals and vocabulary]

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Witryna główna>Glosariusz | Terminy techniczne związane z napawanie laserowe drutem