Glosariusz terminów technicznych
Między innymi w zakresie laser, spawanie, wytwarzanie przyrostowe, drukowanie 3D metalu i ukierunkowane osadzanie energii
Nasz słowniczek coaxworks zawiera terminy techniczne (angielskie), które są istotne dla naszych produktów, usług i zastosowań w dziedzinie napawanie laserowe z drutu.
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Similar term: base material
The parent material means a ‘material to be joined, or surfaced, by welding, braze welding or brazing’.[ISO/TR 25901-1:2016-03, Welding and allied processes — Vocabulary — Part 1: General terms]
Similar term: run [ISO/TR 25901-1], bead [ISO/TR 25901-1]
The pass means the ‘metal melted or deposited during one passage of an electrode, torch or blowpipe’. ‘The term pass is commonly used in beam welding.’[ISO/TR 25901-1:2016-03, Welding and allied processes — Vocabulary — Part 1: General terms]
The processing head is the ‘last technical assembly in the beam path from the laser to the processing location in laser material processing’. ‘In the processing head, necessary optical, electrical and mechanical construction elements (e.g. focusing optics, process gas nozzle and distance control) are combined, which can be moved as the last element to the material as a compact device.’
[translated after DIN 32532:2009-08, Schweißen – Laserstrahlverfahren zur Materialbearbeitung – Begriffe für Prozesse und Geräte]
The term processing head is also used in ISO 11553. Our laser welding heads are processing heads for a laser processing machine. A processing head is an interchangeable equipment.The protective exposure limit means the ‘maximum laser exposure of the front surface of a laser guard which prevents laser radiation accessible at its rear surface from exceeding the Class 1 AEL for the determined passive or active guard detection time’.
[IEC 60825-4:2022-07, Safety of laser products — Part 4: Laser guards]